What used to be a photo-sharing comfort, Instagram has now evolved into a tool that helps businesses and social media influencers flourish in the constantly evolving world of social media.
Now, that doesn't mean Instagram completely forgot its initial objective; photo-sharing for keepsake memories, but you know, over time, people constantly discover new things, one that involves making a name on the platform.
They became an inspiration or a trendsetter, an overnight sensation or the beginning of one’s career, and it all depends on what they are famously known for. A game-changer that is but what’s even more awe-inspiring, many have become entrepreneurs.
Keeping UpToDate with the Instagram influencer chart is Syafiqah Zambry:
Before becoming the face of PalomaScarves, Syafiqah is best known for her social media presence on Instagram, content creating, and modeling for apparel as well as for hijab advertisements.
Take a peek into Syafiqah’s career and learn how venturing into business turned the social media influencer into an entrepreneur and the face of PalomaScarves.

If you’ve been keeping up with Syafiqah since day 1, you would know that during her university years, she juggled both of her studies and work. When reflected on it, she said that without it, she wouldn't be in the position she is in today.
“My mum played a role in where it all started. I didn't want to stay in a dorm, and she said if I wanted to rent a house, I would have to work hard and find my income. That’s when I started modeling.
“I would accept clients after Maghrib, and I’d model till night. Then, I’d head back home to catch up on my studies. I struggled in my classes but that’s another story,” laughed Syafiqah.
Like killing two birds with one stone, her working experience and connections had helped her the most during COVID in 2020. While most people stayed at home and had a hard time finding jobs, Syafiqah's career kept flourishing.
“Alhamdulillah, I was allowed to work even though at that time it was a hard time for everyone, including myself. I was super happy but honestly, it was challenging,” shared Syafiqah.

Juggling the best of both worlds might be daunting for many, but for some, it is necessary for their needs, their income, or their goals.
In addition to her first taste of studying while working, Syafiqah learned how to manage her finances wisely.
It was all a fun experience; she remembered how she lost sleep and was running here and there to keep up with the best of both worlds.
“My advice to those who want to follow in my footsteps is to learn how to balance study and work. How I do it is I prioritize my study first and my work comes second. If you can’t manage both of them well, your study will get lost in track so having a goal in mind is the go-to.
“I sacrificed a lot of my sleep. Woke up at 5 a.m. and went about my day till 6 to 7 p.m., sneakily took naps, then drove to work till before midnight. I reached home at 12 to 1 a.m. So, imagine the amount of sleep that I had. Disaster," laughed Syafiqah.

Thanks to her popular social media presence over the years, Syafiqah is set to make her dreams come true - starting slowly by becoming the face of PalomaScarves.
In 2020, PalomaScarves - a hijab collection, came to life. It was first revealed in January 2020, and by 2021, it released its first-ever collection.
Syafiqah, who's a number 1 fan of supporting local brands, was first approached by Yiyieeen to be a part of PalomaScarves. Hoping to make the brand come alive, she accepted the offer and worked hard to become the face of PalomaScarves.
“There are four founders for PalomaScarves and I’m one of them! Yiyieeen first started this brand but stopped for a while as she had to manage another brand. Then in 2021, we did our documentation and the next year, relaunched the brand,” shared Syafiqah.
Watch her PalomaScarves mini vlog here.

Of course, every blooming business must’ve experienced the bittersweet struggles that sting like a thorn. As for Syafiqah, owning her brand means big responsibility -on top of being a newlywed wife, a content creator, and a social media influencer.
"When I first started running my first business, I thought it would be easy like learning the alphabet, but gosh was I mistaken! I had to balance being a wife and my work at the same time, so I felt overwhelmed.
"Every day, I make a list of everything I need to do for my job and personal life to stay organized. To effectively manage my time and work, I have to push myself.
Syafiqah gushed, "So, at first it was hard, we had to face faults and errors, which one worked for us, and which one didn't, but after overcoming all of that, I'd say it was all worth the tears and efforts."
In addition to PalomaScarves and content creation, Syafiqah and her husband want to start a business. She says they haven't taken any proper action yet and have only been planning. They intend to invest in a business soon.
Follow Syafiqah Zambry on her social media: