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DAMANSARA - Sudah empat tahun menjadi pengacara dalam bidang e-Sukan, kini Fiera Fendi ingin meneroka dalam bidang pengacaraan yang lain.

Mengulas lebih lanjut, pengacara berumur 25 tahun itu berkata, minatnya lebih kepada outdoor seperti travelogue atau vlog.

“Kalau ikutkan nak kata minat tu sebenarnya bukan untuk e-Sukanlah. Nak jadi pengacara itu ada tapi lebih kepada outdoor.

“Tapi sebab peluang itu bermula dalam e-Sukan, jadi saya teruskan sahaja dan follow the flow je lah. Lama-lama dia minat juga cuma tujuan utama saya menjadi pengacara luar,” katanya.

Menurut Fiera, rezeki dalam bidang pengacaraan bermula sejak beliau berumur 21 tahun sebagai pengacara dan talent.

“Saya memang sebelum ini pengacara sepenuh masa dalam bidang e-Sukan tetapi saya bermula dengan menjadi freelance talent dulu.

“Selepas itu saya terlibat dalam produksi TVC semasa saya berumur 18 tahun dan juga dalam beberapa video muzik serta drama. Kemudian terus masuk dalam e-Sukan,” kata Fiera yang kini membuat freelance balik.

Tambah Fiera, beliau akui memang tidak suka buat benda yang sama dan kini ingin cuba bidang lain.

“Jadi sekarang ni, saya tengah nak dan kalau boleh keluar dari bidang e-Sukanlah. Tapi saya masih bekerja dalam bidang ni cuma dah slowly sebab sebenarnya target daripada dulu sampai sekarang, benda yang tak dapat lagi adalah untuk jadi pengacara untuk travelogue atau vlog,” kongsi Fiera.

Fiera juga berkongsi bahawa dunia pengacaraan merupakan pekerjaan paling sesuai untuk jiwanya.

“Antara kerja-kerja yang saya pernah dapat sebelum ni, saya rasa memang saya sesuai jadi pengacaralah. Hosting benda yang saya paling suka dan benda yang paling saya tak suka adalah benda yang formal,” kata Fiera dalam satu temubual.

Ikuti Fiera Fendi di media sosial:

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  • nurarisa

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

DAMANSARA - Social media influencer, Nelysa Nazrin, 19, talks about her musical upbringing and her desire to continue learning.

“I grew up with music so as much as I want to continue to be surrounded by music in the sense of performing music, I also want to produce my own music.

"So, like in the future I can imagine myself or I hope I’ll be in the setting where I’m constantly making music and learning new things,” said Nelysa.

When she was younger, she and her friends would occasionally sing, but she never gave it much consideration.

“It’s because I didn’t think I had what it takes to use my singing as a career or anything professional.

“When I was 13 or 14 years old, I got scouted by these people and then they formed a group for us to do OST for their project and then I started going into the professional setting so I thought it was really interesting,” shared Nelysa.

She then took the effort to polish and approached it more seriously than she had in the past when she had only done it as a hobby.

“When I learned to record my own music, I learnt the technical stuff about the music itself rather than just my voice. So, that’s what started my interest in learning how to produce music.

“I used to sing cover songs a lot on Instagram and YouTube but I archived some already. During the Movement Control Order (MCO), I used my cover making process and tried to learn as much as I could with it,” said Nelysa.

Nelysa, a pre-university student, expressed how she wishes to pursue music in her studies as well as her career.

“I’m doing pre-u like a Canadian Matriculation pre-u but then using that pre-u, I want to apply to a Korean university. Insyaallah (laugh) or United Kingdom (UK), my dad wants the UK but my mum is like go wherever you want lah. So, Korea is my choice,” shared Nelysa in an interview session with me.

When asked about her upcoming musical projects, Nelysa teased that she’s working on something ‘exciting’ with her best friend.

“I think this specific project is gonna be really exciting? For me personally, because I’m doing it with somebody who is my best friend. I would say she’s like my soulmate too.

"Working with her on a project like this would be a lot of fun, and I think the way we're going about this project would allow us to express our creative selves while also being a part of the effort,” added Nelysa.

Follow Nelysa Kay on her social media:

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Updated: Jul 20, 2022

DAMANSARA - Ellya Keesha recently slayed yet another dance choreography at one of Los Angeles's hottest dance studios, Playground LA.

Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly get over Ellya Keesha’s Swipe by Itzy dance cover last year, she shared some of her jaw-dropping dance videos at Playground LA on her Instagram and TikTok.

Ellya captioned the videos, “my sister brought me to take @shanebruce and @dextercarr’s class today and it still feels like a dream :’) it’s been a while, gonna wake up crazy sore tomorrow but it was worth it” and “still can’t believe I set foot in this studio”.

She was given the chance to join in two dancing classes; beginner and intermediate-advanced classes at Playground LA during one of her eight days vacations in Los Angeles.

“Each class was 1 hour and 30 minutes long and the choreography itself was only 1 minute and 40 seconds. It was super hard but I had the best experience there!

“I took the beginner class at first as I knew their dances were on another level. Then I took the intermediate-advanced class which was pretty hard I’d say, but I had fun. A lot of people joined the second class and you couldn’t even see the choreographer. That’s what made it fantastic and different,” said Ellya.

The fact that her sister had brought her to Playground LA to dance made the experience much better. Ellya revealed during the interview that she loved the environment and the people there since they gave her confidence and were very supportive.

“Everyone wasn't judgmental, which made it extremely cool. At the end of the classes, they were quite encouraging. They’ll ask five people to volunteer to dance in the center and whoever volunteers would get to be on YouTube.

“So, when they asked for volunteers, those there seized the chance to join, which made me feel like I should be confident and just dance as well, ” laughed Ellya.

Ellya expressed concerns over the fact that she rarely took dance classes so for her to be there was quite challenging.

“Despite the challenges, I genuinely enjoy the people I met there. Even if you forgot your dance moves, they would always hype you up. No one came to the dance studio with their friends, they all came alone and everyone made new friends there. I really love that,” added Ellya.

When asked about any upcoming project from Ellya, she said that she’s currently working on her first re-debut single.

“Am I allowed to say it? I think I’m allowed to say it (laugh), I’m currently working on a singing project with someone that I used to debut in a group with. I feel like we have to start the dance practice again, think of concepts for the music video and everything. I think it’s my biggest project so far,” said Ellya.

She also added that her special project will be released around September to October, and said that they wouldn’t want to wait much longer.

Follow Ellya Keesha on her social media:

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