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Nelysa Kay. Does her name ring a bell? If you’re not familiar with her then you better buckle up because this article is about to get wild! (Okay, just kidding)

When I first met her for an interview (unplanned), she looked so chic in her outfit, and portrayed the same warm-hearted image that she showed on her social media. The Malaysian social media influencer gave a warm smile, putting me at ease before I started interviewing her that evening.

Nelysa Nazrin or fondly known as Nelysa, first started her career in dancing before slowly embracing herself into the music industry. Back in 2015, she and her dance team, Chicaz, successfully won 4 YES at Asia’s Got Talent and even earned an exclusive interview for Asia’s Got Talent backstage.

She then started doing cover songs which eventually became a turning point in her life, where she and her friends were scouted to sing for an OST. Fast forward to seven months ago, she sang La Cremeria Bersama You alongside As’ad Motawh, Ellya Keesha and Fatin Afeefa, and currently is working on a song.

Okay, let’s dig deeper into Nelysa’s life, specifically something you wouldn’t find on the internet unless Nelysa told you about it, which even Google has zero idea about!


Maybe I over exaggerated a little bit with that title but hey did you know Nelysa is a CARAT? Like CARAT as in Seventeen’s number one fan?? Yeah that.

When asked about who her inspiration in the music industry is, she excitedly admitted that she’s a super, huge fan of Seventeen, a South Korean group that produces songs that work like a perfect pitch and their choreographies? Beyond amazing. All of Seventeen’s music videos will leave you captivated, hungry for more.

“Of course, I love Seventeen. I know a lot about other K-POP groups but what really tears Seventeen apart is how they are self-producing idols. Like Woozi, I really love how he makes Seventeen’s music, and the rest of the members get to collaborate on it. It really touches me because they are like close-knit brothers,” shared Nelysa, who's interested in seeing how other Seventeen members incorporate stellar ideas in their performances.


South Korea is no stranger to the world. Globally known for its Korean wave in culture, foods and entertainment in K-dramas, K-movies and most importantly K-POP, it’s no wonder why so many people across the globe love this country.

You know who else loves South Korea? Yeah, it’s your girl Nelysa! The 19-year-old teen, who wishes to pursue her studies in South Korea, said that K-POP has taught her a lot of things. One that includes preparing herself before she continues her study.

“I love that K-POP itself has a lot of genres. I learnt their language because I want to pursue my studies in Korea, and it really has helped a lot. Even when I sing cover songs, I really enjoy myself because I can read and understand Korean lyrics,” said Nelysa, which made her feel accomplished and happy.

Follow Nelysa Kay on her social media:

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Berasal dari keluarga seni bukanlah satu jalan mudah buat penyanyi, Syada Amzah, 24, untuk menempa nama dalam industri.

Memulakan karier seni seawal usia 10 tahun menerusi program realiti Idola Kecil di TV9, anak bongsu kepada penyanyi popular 80an dan 90an, Datuk ND Lala dan adik kepada Shila Amzah ini terus melakar nama menerusi program terbitan Astro, Big Stage musim kedua.

“Saya kini masih dalam proses untuk menyiapkan single pertama saya. Selain itu, saya terbabit dengan banyak penggambaran untuk kempen komersial selain berterusan menerbitkan kandungan untuk saluran media sosial saya”, ujar Syada ringkas ketika ditanya mengenai perkembangan terkini beliau dalam dunia seni.

“Tetapi, untuk single pertama ini, saya tidak meletakkan apa-apa expectation. Saya pun mengharapkan peminat dan orang di luar sana pun tidak meletakkan jangkaan yang tinggi kerana saya sendiri pun selama ini masih tercari-cari genre yang sesuai dengan saya. Kini, saya telah menemuinya dan berharap ianya dapat diterima baik semua pihak”, tambah Syada.

Pertama kali beraksi di atas pentas nyanyian ketika berusia 4 tahun, Syada menganggap perjalanan karier sebagai penyanyi adalah suatu proses pembelajaran yang tidak akan tamat. Ia juga merupakan salah satu sebab mengapa beliau mengambil masa yang agak panjang untuk menyiapkan single pertama, kerana tidak mahu produk itu dianggap projek “sekadar siap”.

Menyentuh mengenai latar belakang keluarga, Syada turut mengakui ianya memang sedikit sebanyak memberikan tekanan kepada beliau untuk menyamai pencapaian ayah dan kakaknya.

“Sebelum ini, tekanan itu memang ada. Rasa macam tak mampu nak menyamai pencapaian ayah dan kakak sebelum ini. Namun kini, saya merasakan perkara tersebut bukanlah satu tekanan, sebaliknya sesuatu yang patut saya banggakan. Untuk kekal lama dalam industri sepertimana dapat ayah saya lakukan bukanlah satu perkara mudah, dan pencapaian kakak saya sehingga berjaya di peringkat antarabangsa juga merupakan sesuatu yang luar biasa”.

“Jadi, kini bila tiba giliran saya mencuba nasib dalam industri, kalau orang kata saya dibayangi mereka, saya tidak kisah, macam mana pun, mereka adalah darah daging saya dan kami datang dari acuan yang sama”, kata Syada.

“Ayah saya selalu berpesan, dalam apa jua perkara dalam kehidupan, sentiasa berfikir panjang sebelum membuat apa-apa keputusan dan dapatkan pandangan serta nasihat orang yang lebih berpengalaman supaya kita tidak sesat”, tambah Syada.

Sebagai pendatang baru, Syada menagih para peminat untuk terus memberikannya sokongan kepadanya.

“Kepada Syada Squad, terima kasih atas sokongan anda selama ini, dan saya memohon maaf kerana anda terpaksa menunggu terlalu lama untuk saya keluar dengan lagu sendiri. Sekarang, it's time to shine dan teruskan menyokong saya!”, kata Syada ceria.

Ikuti Syada di laman sosial beliau: Instagram | Tiktok | Youtube

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  • nurarisa

A woman of presence, is a perfect way to describe Liyana Jasmay. Upon meeting her for the first time for an interview after her profile photoshoot, Liyana exuded confidence with her bold and charismatic personality. Literally commanded attention without needing much effort, yaaas queen!

The Malaysian-born actress who grew up in the bustling heart of Kuala Lumpur initially did not come from a family of entertainment. She first graced the television screen when she was just 10-years-old, as a supporting character to the main heroine in ‘Si Lembik’, directed by none other than Datuk Aznil Nawawi.

Thanks to her full spirit and sweet personality, it was easy for her - like a piece of cake, to connect with people in the entertainment industry.

“I’m a very friendly and easy going person, so I became friends with the production manager. Then, the project manager called me in to act in multiple dramas, till I met Datuk Rosyam Nor,” shared Liyana.

According to Liyana herself, she had the opportunity to act in one of his first dramas and movies. She then starred in ‘Castello’ directed by Bade Haji Azmi, made it to the big screens and was even nominated for ‘Pelakon Wanita Harapan’ at Malaysia’s 19th Film Festival in 2006.

“When I act, I never do it for awards. Winning an award to me is a bonus and a ‘rezeki’ from god,” said Liyana, who drew inspirations from American actresses such as Anne Hathaway, Kirsten Dunst and drama series like Orange County.

Unbeknownst to many, the Kuantan-born actress, singer and businesswoman has been dipping her toes in the world of filmmaking. Her career background and journey to become a filmmaker, makes the 34-year-old an inspiration to young women.


Although Liyana is known to many as an award-winning actress starring in local movies such as Histeria, Papadom, Kami, and Tolong Awek Aku Pontianak, little did you know, she has been making moves behind the screen as a filmmaker. Having graduated with a Diploma in Performing Arts and Media, and 6 months of pursuing Art of Acting, Directing and Screenwriting back in New York Film Academy (NYFA), Liyana finally put her directing skills to use.

“I first became interested in filmmaking when I realized that whenever I produce or write my own scripts, the output is not as what I envisioned. At that moment, I was like I don’t want to give other people the ability to direct my own work anymore. I want to take charge of it and felt that it was about time to explore something new,” explained Liyana.

A feisty go-getter, Liyana decided to take matters into her own hands and begin directing her own films under the banner of her own production company, Mermaid Studios. But, of course with the help of her sister, Adriana as her producer.

When Liyana first ventured into the world of filmmaking, she recounted her experience that she wanted to become more assertive when it comes to her own work.


Films have the power to change society, and that’s what most filmmakers aim to create. What used to be a male-dominated industry is now changing for the better. We can now witness more female representation in the film industry, where female filmmakers have been thriving and producing groundbreaking arts.

Renowned world female filmmakers such as Ava Duvernay, Chloe Zhao, Greta Gerwig, Kathryn Bigelow, Patty Jenkins, Sofia Coppola are all great examples of female forward filmmakers who have changed the film industry.

As for Malaysia, Erma Fatima, Indra Kopal, Min Lim, Nadiah Hamzah, Vimala Perumal, and Yasmin Ahmad are some of the many supremely talented Malaysian female filmmakers we ever had. Not to forget, Liyana Jasmay - one of the many rising local filmmakers, with a mission to produce as many films as she can to create as many voices for women to be heard.

“I want to be able to create female directors and producers, for us to be working together. My sister is an example! She is my producer. I want our films to be shared across the world, not just Malaysia but also to bring our films to other countries,” added Liyana.


In the film industry, female filmmakers aren't celebrated as much as male filmmakers. However, they continue to create and direct noteworthy films, while marching forward to challenge the stereotype of the male-dominated industry.

Liyana’s journey as a rising filmmaker talks about taking charge in the film world and emphasizes the importance of female storytellers.

“Of course there's a stereotype between men and women in the film industry because there’s not a lot of female filmmakers and most of them are underdogs, even if they create good films. To be great in this industry, you need to be tough, like a gangster, gotta be an OG - meaning, if you want to enter this world, you have to be seen and heard.

“In Malaysia, there are many great female filmmakers but young filmmakers? Not that many. So, that’s why as a woman in a male-dominated industry, we have to be true to ourselves, focus on what we want to do to make sure our voices are heard. It’s challenging but you gotta be strong,” said Liyana.


As Dawn Gluskin once said, “Life is full of highs and lows. We need them both to grow to our fullest potential. Just hang on tight and enjoy the ride.” At the beginning of her filmmaking career, Liyana experienced bittersweet moments, one that included receiving backlash and criticism of her own work.

“Always remember to not take it personally and just take it as a lesson to not do it again, improve yourself and then you’ll do better,” shared Liyana.

Ever wondered how she handled it? Well, she handled it like a boss! It didn’t faze her one bit, it just ignited a burning passion in her to polish her creative work and to continue doing what she loves the most!

“I will not stop creating because I love it, I love filmmaking. It’s a joy for me and when people watch my work I feel extremely happy. But of course, I’m still new in this field and I’m still learning everyday,” said Liyana when sharing about the things she’s passionate about.

To Liyana, every project, be it small or big is a practice for her. She even admitted that to be the best, you have to start from scratch, go through the highs and lows, face mistakes and errors to get where you are.

“The key to be in this industry is to be consistent and to have passion because if you have the fire in you, you will keep on being and create awesome stuff. Number two is hard work and discipline. If you have good discipline, you will maintain in the industry and if you are hardworking, you will reap the fruits of your labor,” continues Liyana.

Follow Liyana Jasmay on her social media:

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